Saturday, March 12, 2016

Mike's Quest for a New NFL Team

It's time to whittle Mike's Maybes list down a little.  The following teams are being officially dropped from the list:

Chicago Bears - mostly because I've never really had a good experience in this specific city.

Minnesota Vikings - despite being the most beautiful city in North America, the team's owner was reportedly pro-AMK and, therefore, anti-STL.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers - two words: Manchester United.

Chargers and Raiders - because it would be hypocritical of me to pull for a team to move to LA as a tenant of "Art Modell" Kroenke.  Chargers have first option, and I fully expect them to take it.  Raiders, whether it's to LA if the Chargers pass or elsewhere, will move out of Oakland.  No more nomadic teams for me.