Friday, November 14, 2014

Episode 119: The List - Current Athletes Who Just Need to Go Away

On today's edition of The List, we discuss the many current athletes who we feel need to STFU and go away already.

Without getting into spoilers, we set up a final showdown between PSG's Swedish resident douche Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Baltimore Ravens resident punk Steve Smith.  Listen to find out who wins the (dis)honor of most needing to STFU.

This is a douche.
This is a punk.

Click here to download.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Episode 118 - Fake Classes at UNC

We start today's blog component with a story from Mike's brief time in the Navy:

There was a fellow dropout waiting to go to North Carolina - but wasn't sure where in the state he wanted to be dropped off, resulting in the following exchange:

"North Carolina!"
"North Carolina!"

You get the picture.

Now, the public university that bears the state's name is in trouble.  The crime: offering fake classes to its student-athletes.

How fake?  In some cases, the classes never actually met and the homework consisted of one paper.  Here's an example of one of these papers:

At almost every university, in almost every class, this paper will get you an "F" or get you kicked out of school.  At UNC, this apparently gets you a passing grade.  Huh?

This situation in Tar Heel Nation makes you wonder if any other major schools are doing this.  Mike (full disclosure: a semi-closeted Duke fan), Tim and Ray discuss.

Fair use: Due to the heavy nature of this story, Ned Beatty's "Network" quote returns.

Click here to download.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Episode 117 - Know Your Football Clubs: Spain

Today's edition of KYFC: España.  The country of El Clasico (Barcelona-Real Madrid) and La Liga.

Clubs we focused on in today's discussion:

Athletic Bilbao Atletico Madrid Barcelona Deportivo de la Coruña
Real Madrid Real Zaragoza Sevilla Valencia

Clubs we mentioned in passing:

Celta de Vigo Espanyol Real Betis Real Sociedad
Real Union Recreativo de Huelva

Next time: Deutschland (aka Germany).

Click here to download.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Episode 116 - NFL Midseason

Mike and Tim make their midseason adjustments to their NFL picks. Further, a certain AFC West team has now been dubbed "THAT Other Team" by Mike. You'll have to guess who.

Division Mike's Picks Tim's Picks Ryland's Picks Mike's Adjustments Tim's Adjustments Actual Results
(as of Week 9)
NFC North Green Bay Green Bay Green Bay Green Bay Green Bay Detroit
NFC South New Orleans New Orleans New Orleans New Orleans New Orleans New Orleans
NFC East Philadelphia Philadelphia Washington Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia
NFC West Seattle Seattle Seattle Arizona Seattle Arizona
NFC Wild Cards Chicago
St. Louis
San Francisco
San Francisco
Green Bay/Seattle
AFC North Cincinnati Baltimore Baltimore Cincinnati Baltimore Cincinnati
AFC South Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis
AFC East New England New England New England New England New England New England
AFC West Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver
AFC Wild Cards Baltimore
San Diego
NY Jets
San Diego
San Diego
San Diego

They also made adjustments to their Super Bowl picks:

Mike: sticking with New England over New Orleans
Tim: New England over Green Bay

Click here to download.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Episode 115 - World Series Review

Mike, Tim and Ray review this past World Series between the Giants and Royals.

Mike and Tim also introduce the new batsu game rules as previously outlined in the blog:
  • "Sloppy Seconds" rules
  • Free Pass
Fair use: Since we're still talking about the Kansas City Royals, we once again end with Lorde's "Royals."

Click here to download.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Episode 114 - Interview with Jim Chappell

For our most recent podcast recording session, we went to Chappell's Restaurant and Sports Museum in North Kansas City.  It is a casual dining restaurant and sports museum with the walls and ceilings covered in sports memorabilia covering decades of sports history and all different sports.

Mike and Tim got a chance to sit down with Jim Chappell, the restaurant's owner, and learn more about the history of this restaurant/museum that was so impressive that Cooperstown came to him for advice.

from left to right: Ray, Tim, Jim Chappell, Mike

By the way, the food was excellent.  Mike had the fish and chips (chips being curly fries); Tim had a burger; and Ray (who arrived right at the tail end of the interview) had a fish sandwich.

Click here to download.

New Batsu Game Rule: Free Pass

As we will discuss in an upcoming episode of the podcast, we added another rule to our batsu game rules:

1. Nothing that will cause permanent physical harm.
2. The "Sloppy Seconds" rules.

3. Each co-host of the podcast will receive one "free pass" per calendar year.  This can be used to nullify a batsu game, should any co-host receive one for making bad picks.  This will start on January 1, 2015.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

New Batsu Game Rules: "Sloppy Seconds"; Use of the Word "Market" Now Banned

Since the podcast first started, we had only one rule:

Nothing that will cause permanent physical harm.

The time has come to add a few more rules:

New Rule 1: No using the same theme for back-to-back batsu games.
New Rule 2: If the same theme is used in back-to-back batsu games, that theme is subsequently banned - permanently.
New Rule 3: Attempts to use banned batsu game themes will result in a revenge batsu game.

This set of New Rules will collectively be known as "Sloppy Seconds."

As a result of these new rules, batsu games themed around the Kansas City Royals are now banned, as the Royals have been the basis of the last two straight batsu games.  Any further attempt to use a Royals theme in a batsu game will result in the batsu game issuer being "sloppy seconded-ed-ed."

Credit for the term "sloppy seconds" goes to local KC comedian Teague Hayes.

Another non-batsu game-related change to the podcast: use of the term "market" to refer to a team, city or region is now banned.

Why?  We'll let this banner say it all:

The term "market" implicitly treats sports fans as though they are nothing more than customers.  The relationship between fan and team is - and always has been - much more than that.  Fans deserve more respect than to be treated as statistics, and that starts with the media (i.e. us, a media outlet done by fans for the fans).

That is all.  Continue enjoying the podcast.