We start today's blog component with a story from Mike's brief time in the Navy:
There was a fellow dropout waiting to go to North Carolina - but wasn't sure where in the state he wanted to be dropped off, resulting in the following exchange:
"North Carolina!"
"North Carolina!"
You get the picture.
Now, the public university that bears the state's name is in trouble. The crime: offering fake classes to its student-athletes.
How fake? In some cases, the classes never actually met and the homework consisted of one paper. Here's an example of one of these papers:
At almost every university, in almost every class, this paper will get you an "F" or get you kicked out of school. At UNC, this apparently gets you a passing grade. Huh?
This situation in Tar Heel Nation makes you wonder if any other major schools are doing this. Mike (full disclosure: a semi-closeted Duke fan), Tim and Ray discuss.
Fair use: Due to the heavy nature of this story, Ned Beatty's "Network" quote returns.
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