Saturday, January 3, 2015

Episode 128 - Bandwagon Discussion

Thou shalt not call us "bandwagon" fans.

The moderator of a Facebook-based Rams fan page committed the cardinal sin of calling Mike, a lifelong Rams fan, "bandwagon."

The context: said moderator was looking for positive things to say about the Blue and Gold less than 24 hours after the team in question (a) was officially eliminated from playoff contention, and (b) guaranteed a non-winning record for the 11th straight season.  Mike (who is neither "bandwagon" or a complete dummy) took exception, and that's when things got more interesting than they should - and the "bandwagon" insult came flying.

So, the guys decided to discuss what makes someone a "bandwagon" fan.  Good discussion, and Wheaton's Law was invoked.

Fair use: in keeping with the theme of "bandwagon" versus die-hard, we open with some of the late Sam Kinison's Vietnam rant from the movie Back to School.  "Say it!  Say it!"

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