Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Episode 166 - Mike, Batsu Game!

Tim's back (briefly) to give Mike his batsu game for picking Cleveland to win the NBA Finals.

Step one: Mike had to produce the logos of teams he hates, whether it was a print-out or a drawing.  Mike went for the latter of not one, but two teams he famously hates:

The Great Satans of English Football, Chelsea and Manchester United

Here are the drawings (Mike admits, very bad drawings):

Step two: Mike and Tim were to go to the Bullet Hole, a local gun store and indoor shooting range, and Mike was to shoot these logos for target practice using Tim's .22 caliber handgun.

Tim actually shot video of the target practice, but due to privacy settings we cannot embed it here.  Here is the link to the video.  If you're unable to view it due to the privacy settings, you're kinda SOL.

Here is the final result of the target practice:

Special thanks to the Bullet Hole for helping to make this batsu game possible. 

Click here to download.